Coastal Float Spa

The More You Float, The more benefits You Unlock!
Floating is a proven aid for mental health, physical well-being, and stress reduction, but it also touches something deeper inside of us. For chronic pain and PTSD, combining a floating habit with healthy eating, exercise, meditation, yoga, positive affirmations, along with other services found at Coastal Float, you can find your way back to a life you can love.. After a float you can expect decreased pain, reduced stress, increased concentration, enhanced memory, and better sleep. Floatation will relieve pain, help you heal faster and detoxify your body. Floatation therapy can help athletes fine tune their performance and facilitates recovery.

After a float you can expect better sleep

Floatation will relieve pain, help you heal faster, and detoxify your body

Reduced stress, increased concentration, enhanced memory

Floating is a proven aid for mental health, physical well-being, and stress reduction