Frequently Asked Questions...
Who can use a float pod?
Pretty much anyone can enjoy a float. The use of float pods are not limited to any particular demographic. The young and old, men and women and people of all lifestyles enjoy flotation pods. People who need to manage stress, increase creativity or reduce pain, find float pods therapeutic.
Why do people use float pods?
Some people use float pods to escape the hustle & bustle of life and relax for a few hours. Others use float pods as a form of therapy to reduce stress. Some people use float pods for sensory deprivation sessions that help them explore their thoughts and emotions in a semi-conscious or meditative state. Others float to help manage and reduce pain as an alternative to prescription painkillers.
Are float pods sanitary?
The interior of a float pod is exceptionally sanitary. Each pod has up to 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt dissolved in the water, which raises the salinity to levels that cannot support any forms of life, including microbes and other pathogens. In addition to the sanitary state of the solution, our float pods are treated with O3 sterilization and UV purification between every session.
Can a pregnant woman use a float pod?
Yes, pregnant women may use float pods. Floating while pregnant allows you to escape the added weight of pregnancy by taking the strain off the body and spine (and feet!). It promotes excellent sleep, a lovely sense of well being, and can help with all the aches and pains normally associated with pregnancy. Some mothers report a profound “Mirror” effect of the mother floating in a warm, dark weightless environment while her baby does the same in her womb.
NOTE* Because circumstances are unique with each pregnancy, float tanks should be discussed with a physician before they are used.
Can a menstruating woman use a float tank?
Yes, it is safe for women to float while menstruating if using proper feminine hygiene. If you are comfortable and can control your menstruation in a swimming pool, then you can do so in a float pod. If you would leak through a tampon or pad in an hour, please reschedule your float to a lighter cycle day.
Can children use float pods?
Although float pods are physically safe for children, some may experience episodes of fear or claustrophobia. In some reports, children mention that the darkness is calm and peaceful as opposed to the scary darkness of their bedrooms at night. Children, 14 and over, may use float pods with parent’s written consent and their parent’s constant supervision.
Is there anyone who should not use a float pod?
Float pods are not recommended for people with one or more of the following conditions: uncontrolled epilepsy, drug or alcohol intoxication, incontinence, infectious disease, open wounds and serious psychological conditions, gastric issues or kidney disease.
Can I drown while in a float tank?
While it is possible to drown in any pool of liquid, float pods are much safer than most other bodies of water because they contain a high concentration of salt. It is impossible to sink in a float pod, and you must exert a conscious effort to turn onto your side or to attempt floating face-down. Many people safely fall asleep while they are floating.
What should I wear while in a float pod?
Float sessions are private affairs, so most people wear nothing at all. You may find that even the fabric of a swimsuit rubbing or pressing against your body is a distraction. Non-swim related garments are not allowed in the pod. If you wear a swimsuit, you must wet it in the shower, before entering the pod, to ensure there is not soap or other chemicals in the suit.
Can I eat before I get in a float pod?
You can float with a full stomach or an empty stomach, but in order to avoid focusing on the sounds and feelings of your digestive tract, experts recommend eating an hour or two before your float.
How long should I stay in the float pod?
We provide 60 to 120 minute sessions based on the overwhelming benefits indicated by clinical research. You’re welcome to spend less time if you feel you’ve achieved your desired outcome for your session.
What time of day is best for floating?
The time of day is objectively irrelevant. Some people prefer the morning, some the afternoon and others the night. If possible, try a few different times of day and see what benefits you most.
How do I get in the float pod?
Getting into a float pod is very similar to getting into a bathtub. Once you are in the water, gently lie back, and the salt will keep you afloat. We have “pillows” to prop your head on, if you prefer not to have your ears in the water. (Ear plugs are provided.)
What does it feel like inside a float tank?
Initially the water is pleasantly warm, but very quickly it feels like nothing since the air and water are meant to match the temperature of your skin. The specific feelings experienced by floaters are unique to each individual and each float. However, most people report experiencing strong feelings of peace and relaxation. Some floaters report feeling highly creative or find themselves thinking about profound subjects.
Is one float enough, or do I need multiple sessions?
Much like meditation, floating is a practice. It is common to have a pleasant and relaxing experience during your first float, and many people find that the experience strengthens each time. You may only realize the full therapeutic potential of floating after multiple sessions. Many people find that floating 1-3 times, helps them realize the full benefits of floating and then 1-2 times a week allows them to maintain the benefits of floating indefinitely.
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Hours & Location
4580 Long Beach Road, Suite 4, Southport, NC 28461
Inside Premier Fitness Studio
Mon-Thu: 8am-7pm / Fri: 8am-6pm / Sat-Sun: 8am-2pm